The bar chart below identifies the Rth Junction to Heat Sink contribution of the different layers of the packaging (composing the thermal path) according to different technologies for a Power Module. Just the simple application of the TIM Assist to the Standard Package provides a huge reduction in Rth for the whole system (circa 40%). Of course putting Finar Buffer both inside and outside the device (Full FM Tech), has an unprecedented level of performance reducing Rth by 70%.

Finar Buffer application to leadframe, DBC or ABC virtually removes the contribution of TIM Rth contribution to that of the total system. Since TIM can account for >50% total system Rth it is clear that any improvement here can have considerable benefits. At Finar Module we strongly believe that the entire packaging system Rth needs to be addressed holistically. As a result we believe that the mounting procedure and its impact of the total system performance ARE the Manufacturer's responsibility and opportunity.
In fact we strongly advocate that a first entry level application of FM Tech should be as a TIM Assist, with an external application between the power device and the heat sink. This would require limited testing as the existing internal packaging does not need to be adapted.
The bar chart below identifies the Rth Junction to Heat Sink contribution of the different layers of the packaging (composing the thermal path) according to different technologies for an Un-Insulated Discrete. Just the simple application of the TIM Assist to the Standard Package provides a huge reduction in Rth for the whole system. Again, putting Finar Buffer both inside and outside the device has an unprecedented level of performance.

The schematic below demonstrates a Power Module with full FM Tech integration, Finar Buffer inside and outside the packaging. you can see for yourself the reduction in components and the way solder and TIM are neutralized through "Zero Attach". We see this easy construction as the future for modern high performance power modules.

The schematic below demonstrates a Power Module with Standard Packaging, you can see for yourself the increased impact of solder and TIM and the increase in components DCB and Baseplate instead of just an Outside Finar Buffer.

The bar chart below identifies the Rth Junction to Heat Sink contribution of the different layers of the packaging (composing the thermal path) according to different technologies for an Un-Insulated Discrete soldered to the PCB. Just the simple application of the TIM Assist to the Standard Package provides a huge reduction in Rth for the whole system. Again, putting Finar Buffer both inside and outside the device has an unprecedented level of performance.
